25 May 2023 - 25 May 202310:00 am - 11:00 am Online Event
HARMLESS Workshop on SSbD for SMEs: AdMa in Product Development
The EU funded project HARMLESS is delighted to invite you to its workshop on Safe-and-Sustainable-by-Design (SSbD): Advanced Materials in Product Development for small and medium enterprises (SMEs), taking place virtually on 25th May 2023, 10:00h until 11:00h CEST with additional 30 min Q&A session. The workshop is intended for SMEs who want to learn on SME-tailored SSbD tools and potentially become involved in the HARMLESS project.
The Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability (CSS) of the European Union (EU) aims at fostering a transition towards safe and sustainable chemicals and materials (DOI: 10.2760/879069). The HARMLESS consortium is developing an EU-CSS-aligned structured approach towards the innovation of safe and sustainable products containing nanoscaled and advanced materials (https://www.harmless-project.eu; GA no. 953183). This HARMLESS Safe and Sustainable Innovation Approach (SSIA) is designed for seamless integration into the various stages of product development in industry with special attention to the needs of SMEs.
The main aim of the workshop is to familiarize SMEs with the concept of SSbD. Guidance will be provided on integration of Safe-by-Design (SbD) into early stages of product development. Furthermore, the workshop will give insight into our EU-CSS-aligned SSbD framework and Decision Support System (DSS). Additionally, easy steps towards SSbD and Artificial Intelligence (AI) based data acquisition for arbitrary materials will be provided.
The workshop is intended for SMEs but open to other interested parties wishing to get more insight into SSbD of nanoscaled and advanced materials in product development.