Dear colleagues and friends,
The BNN QUARTERLY is out, with our latest issue entitled “Innovation in Nanomedicine: Chances for Strengthening the Field“. We are pleased to highlight the following nanomedicine-related contributions:
- Technology Platform: NanoMedicine-Austria
- BioNanoNet Members and Partners found PHOENIX OITB gGmbH to Support Innovation in Nano-pharmaceutical Development (PHOENIX-OITB)
- Antimicrobial Peptide Delivery Through Magnetic Nanoparticles (Medical University of Graz)
- International Consortium Drives Innovations in Nanopharmaceutical Manufacturing (RCPE)
- Multiphoton Lithography as a Promising Tool Serving Biomedical Applications (Polymer Chemistry and Biomaterials Group, Ghent University)
Besides scientific contributions from our BioNanoNet members, reports about projects and activities, this issue also includes the interview and presentation of our new member:
- Polymer Chemistry & Biomaterials Group from the University of Ghent with Sandra Van Vlierberghe
We hope you enjoy this edition!
BNN team
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