19 Dec 2023 Updates

GreenX3: Innovative and sustainable materials, processes and technologies for a GREENer and circular economy

Contribution from BioNanoNet member MyBiotech

GreenX3 is funded by the European Union Horizon Europe Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action Doctoral Network Industrial Doctorate (MSCA-DN-ID) programme and by UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) under the UK government’s Horizon Europe funding guarantee.

The project, coordinated by Dr. Nazende Günday-Türeli – MyBiotech, started in September 2023 and will last for 48 months. GreenX3 offers a unique opportunity to train 13 doctoral candidates and doctoral network candidates in innovative and sustainable materials, processes and technologies for a GREENer and circular economy. The network comprises 6 beneficiary partners (BioNanoNet member Nanomol Technologies is also a partner) and 10 associated partners from industrial and academic sectors, from Germany, Spain, France, Italy and UK.

GreenX3 is motivated by the efforts of the EU for “maintaining an innovative, sustainable and globally competitive industry” that will support both green transitions of our economy and society. The project focuses on the study of greener materials and their environmental impact, the development of novel environment-friendly industrial processes, and key enabling technologies (KETs) designed to enhance resource management and product quality.

Additionally, the main innovative aspect of the GreenX3 research program is to address the challenge of sustainability and environmental impact by combining the three key enablers: materials, processes, and technologies. GreenX3 doctoral training will fill the knowledge gap by setting translation of research an absolute priority to impact and advance sustainable and circular economy significantly at scientific, societal and environmental level. The Network is built around a strong core of partners with documented fruitful collaboration in research and training of young researchers, in other consortia or on bilateral basis. These connections already established minimise the risks associated with the project delivery. To maximise collaborations among doctoral candidates (DCs)/Doctoral Network Students (DNSs) all the individual research projects are connected, but in such a way that critical interdependencies are avoided.

Moreover, GreenX3 is a multidisciplinary and innovative project designed to use chemical tools to address the current global environmental challenges. The network of GreenX3 will create a research and training environment supported by 16 teams (beneficiaries and associated partners) for the international, intersectoral and interdisciplinary training of 13 researchers equipped with multidisciplinary skills allowing them to work across disciplines, to gradually shape and lead to a greener and sustainable chemical industry within the Research & Development/Innovation framework. Six industrial pioneers offer the necessary skills to become the future ‘technology transfer’ experts thanks to the close and frequent exposure of the researchers to private sector and to KETs to significantly enhance their employability. Environmental and economical sustainability requires a multidisciplinary approach to fill the gap that is currently significantly limiting technology transfer from research to marketable innovation. The multidisciplinary expertise boosted by the presence of industrial partners, the main drivers of the scientific objectives to respond to a real gap in knowledge, with complementary knowledge, will offer a superior training opportunity. GreenX3 contributes EU Green Deal by ensuring acquisition of the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development through research and training for responsible production, sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources, reduced waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse.

Lastly, the GreenX3 training programme will aim at educating professionals with an extensive and inter/multidisciplinary knowledge of green and sustainable materials, technologies and processes, able to critically challenge the current economic model and provide solutions towards a greener and sustainable economy. The training program will enhance the intra-sectorial knowledge transfer and the training of a new creative and critical thinking generation of scientists pushing forward research frontiers.




This project GreenX3 is funded by the European Union Horizon Europe MSCA Doctoral Network programme under EC Grant Agreement 101120061 and by UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) under the UK government’s Horizon Europe funding guarantee [grant number EP/Y032039/1].